
Quick Question

Whatever you're going through, I've been there. Ask me a quick question.

  • 10 Minutes
  • Zoom Call




We'll tackle whatever topic you want in depth. You'll walk away with answers.

  • No Time Limit
  • We deep dive into your current challenge
  • Zoom Call


The Mastermind

Get my undivided attention, at any time. I guarantee you'll make more money.

  • Unlimited 24/7 Access
  • 2 Coaching Calls/mo
  • Monthly Group Mastermind
  • Private Slack Channel
  • My Referrals & Connections
  • Trusted Peer Network
  • BrightGrowth Playbook

Justin's ideas and suggestions have already translated into thousands of dollars of additional revenue for our products, so the ROI is quantifiable.

— Colin Daniels, FooEvents


How long is The Mastermind program?

The BrightGrowth Mastermind program is roughly 6-months long. We meet a total of three times per month (two coaching calls, and one group mastermind). Most people begin to see positive ROI well before the program is completed.

What do I get after signing up?

I will personally invite you to the private coaching Slack Group. Here is where we will be able to chat privately, interact with others, share files, and schedule our sessions. We will then schedule our first meeting to kick things off as soon as possible. Additionally, I will share with you my direct contact information (cell phone, WhatsApp, email address) so that you can contact me at any time, for any reason.

What happens when I complete the program?

At the end of the program, we will discuss your option to keep your seat with a new agreement. This gives you continued access to the monthly masterminds, private Slack, and coaching sessions with me every month.

Do I need to sign a long term contract?

No. Pricing is on a month-to-month basis. You can stop at any time

How do I know this will help me?

It will, but I want to eliminate any risk so that you can experience the positive results for yourself. If after 90-days of working in the program you don't feel like it's worth it, let me know and I'll refund all your money.

How do I sign up?

Download pricing. Read the details and if there is availability, click the link in the document to secure your spot!

How can I reach you?

Use this form to contact me if you have any questions. I'm quick to respond!

Money-Back Guarantee.

Here's my promise to you:

If after 90 days you don't believe that our time together was worth it, then let me know, and I will return all of your money.

That's how confident I am that you will see positive ROI from working together on your strategic goals.